690 shaares
3 liens privés
3 liens privés
6 résultats
Command line
watch -n.1 "grep \"^[c]pu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo"
Check cpu speed in realtime (to check boost speed)
watch -n.1 "grep \"^[c]pu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo"
Top des process qui consomment du CPU pour zabbix
# topcpu.sh
# returns names of most CPU time consuming processes
# as reported by 'top'
# 05-07-2010 by Jerry Lenk
# Use at your own risk!
# set limit to 1st argument, or 2% if not specified
test -z $lim && lim=2
# run 2 iterations of top in batch mode with 1 s delay
top -b -d1 -n2 |\
gawk --assign lim=$lim 'BEGIN { reply=""}
END { print reply, "." }
# if reply is empty, at least a period is returned
# in 2nd iteration, first 3 lines
# add columns 9 (%cpu) and 12 (process name)
# to reply string, if cpu at least lim%
itr == 2 && NR <= 3 && $9 >= lim { reply=reply; printf(" %s% ",$9); system("ps --no-headers -o args -p " $1) }
# count iterations by header lines beginning with "PID"
# reset linenumber
$1 == "PID" { NR=0 ; itr +=1 }
# Only 2nd iteration of top is of interest because
# load values are calculated since previous iteration
Utilisation CPU d'une JVM
Bientôt dans toutes les bonnes JVM
ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10
A priori top non fiable sur vm, car calcul CPU global <> CPU process vis à vis du nombre de CPU