3 liens privés
The SKU (xxx) you are trying to insert is already under processing [woocommerce_rest_product_not_created] error · Issue #51412 · woocommerce/woocommerce
{"code":"woocommerce_rest_product_not_created","message":"L\u2019UGS (1-XXXX) que vous tentez d\u2019ins\u00e9rer est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours de traitement","data":{"status":400}}
And no UGS in product page of woocommerce.
Because I had the same issue, the SQL requests. Make a backup. :
-- Check
select * from wp_postmeta left join wp_posts
on wp_postmeta.post_id = wp_posts.ID
where wp_posts.ID IS NULL;
-- Delete
delete wp_postmeta from wp_postmeta left join wp_posts
on wp_postmeta.post_id = wp_posts.ID
where wp_posts.ID IS NULL;
Delete orphan variation
-- Check
SELECT * FROM `wp_posts` o
LEFT OUTER JOIN `wp_posts` r
ON o.post_parent = r.ID
WHERE r.id IS null AND o.post_type = 'product_variation'
-- Delete
DELETE o FROM `wp_posts` o
LEFT OUTER JOIN `wp_posts` r
ON o.post_parent = r.ID
WHERE r.id IS null AND o.post_type = 'product_variation'
Starts a xdebug session, can be loaded with intellij ultimate or phpstorm
Pense-bête : commande console OSGI
Modification TBS
SELECT tablespace, file_name FROM dba_temp_files;
SELECT tablespace, file_name FROM dba_data_files;
create tablespace STATSPACK datafile '<file>' size 250M reuse extent management local uniform size 1M;
# Temporary
create temporary tablespace STATSTEMP tempfile '<file>' size 50M reuse extent management local uniform size 1M;
DROP tablespace <tbs> INCLUDING CONTENTS and datafiles;
On my postgresql docker image :
initdb: error: could not access directory "/home/postgres/pgdata/data": Permission denied
I reused a previous image
- pgsql_data:/data/pgsql
PGDATA: /data/pgsql
So actions :
- start image without setting PGDATA, then execute :
Then :
docker exec myimage id # to check the user (here 1000:1000)
docker exec myimage ls -l /data/ # to check the mount directory
docker volume inspect pgsql_data # give the path of the volume
// update the rights
chown 1000:1000 -R /home/docker/volumes/pgsql_data
- stop
docker compose up pgsql
- restore PGDATA parameter
- restart
docker compose up pgsql
Proxy socks :
ssh -N -D 9091 kimsufi
Combien de temps pour finir un jeu ?
(via sebsauvage)
Some of the Java Flight Recording events (JDK 17)
jdk.NativeMethodSample jdk.ActiveRecording jdk.ActiveSetting jdk.JVMInformation jdk.OSInformation jdk.InitialSystemProperty jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable jdk.CPUInformation jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics jdk.PhysicalMemory jdk.ThreadDump jdk.NativeLibrary jdk.CompilerConfiguration jdk.CodeCacheStatistics jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration jdk.IntFlag jdk.UnsignedIntFlag jdk.LongFlag jdk.UnsignedLongFlag jdk.DoubleFlag jdk.BooleanFlag jdk.StringFlag jdk.GCConfiguration jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration jdk.GCTLABConfiguration jdk.GCHeapConfiguration jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration jdk.ThreadEnd jdk.ThreadCPULoad jdk.ThreadStart jdk.CPULoad jdk.JavaThreadStatistics jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics jdk.CompilerStatistics jdk.ExceptionStatistics jdk.GCHeapSummary jdk.G1HeapSummary jdk.MetaspaceSummary jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1 jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2 jdk.GCReferenceStatistics jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics jdk.TenuringDistribution jdk.G1MMU jdk.G1BasicIHOP jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP jdk.EvacuationInformation jdk.GCPhasePause jdk.GarbageCollection jdk.YoungGarbageCollection jdk.G1GarbageCollection jdk.ExecuteVMOperation jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate jdk.NetworkUtilization
Java memory improvment since Java 8
Command line
watch -n.1 "grep \"^[c]pu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo"
List of JVM options per JVM versions
A woman says that "the fabric of reality crumbled" after an iPhone photo of herself showed two different reflections.
Ce n'est jamais si simple ! :)
Alors merci !
Le guide de réparation est complet, les liens fonctionnent toujours, les guides sont détaillés (merci Brother).
Comme le disait sebsauvage récemment, la prochaine sera aussi un Brother.
Negative Lookeahd :
SetFlag: ((?!Hpa).)*$
- Search for string which do not contains "Hpa" after SetFlag
- Do not forget "$" if multi-line regexp is activated
Testing string :
Match : SetFlag: TestKO
No Match : SetFlag: HpaTestOK
Je l'avais perdu, merci sebsauvage.
C'est très bien dit :
"Sometimes people use "respect" to mean "treating someone like a person" and sometimes they use "respect" to mean "treating someone like an authority".
And sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say "If you don'y respect me I won't respect you" and they mean "If you don't treat me like an authority I won't treat you like a person".
And they think they're being faire but they aren't, and it's not ok."
Parfois, les gens utilisent le mot "respect" pour signifier "traiter quelqu'un comme une personne" et parfois ils utilisent le mot "respect" pour signifier "traiter quelqu'un comme une autorité".
Et parfois, les personnes qui ont l'habitude d'être traitées comme une autorité disent "Si tu ne me respectes pas, je ne te respecterai pas", mais ils veulent dire en réalité "Si tu ne me traites pas comme une autorité, je ne te traiterai pas comme une personne".
Ils pensent qu'ils sont justes, mais ce n'est pas le cas, et ce n'est pas correct.
From Java 8 to 21 : improvment
via les castcodeurs
String to test URL parameters :
How long are your favorite video games? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!
Utile ! Tester les sélecteurs CSS
$$('.myclass li')